This ultra high gloss calendered vinyl film is 2.8 mil. thick. This product is recommended for outdoor and indoor uses where a high quality marking film is requiring flexibility, durability and resistance to sunlight. This film can be used for architectural signage, P.O.P graphics and decals, banners, striping, window graphics and lettering.
"Nice product"
Derek Dawson on 11/22/2019 8:31:11 AM
Comments: Decent vinyl the Gloss Is super high way better than the 3M works the same
"awesome vinyl"
Elizabeth Lewis on 2/19/2013 7:37:14 PM
Comments: this vinyl is a good product, and it last forever!
"FDC Vinyl"
Dennis Walker on 6/5/2012 5:10:31 PM
Comments: Vary easy to work with, and with the blue backing it makes all my stickers vary easy to see.
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