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FDC series 7501 PVC Banner High Strength- This digital media scrim banner is designed for printing general purpose signage and displays. It is a one side smooth and printable non-top coated media with a high white point that provides great printability.
FDC 7504 Series is a 13 oz. PVC scrim banner designed for printing general purpose signage and displays. It is a one side smooth and printable non-top coated media with a high white point that provides great printability.
FDC 7505 Series is a 13 oz. PVC scrim banner designed for printing interior signage and displays. It is a super smooth, two side printable non-top coated media with a blockout layer that provides opacity and obstructs light. Matte White
FDC 7508 Series is a heavy weight PVC scrim banner designed for printing large scale signage and displays. It is a two side smooth and printable non-top coated media with a blockout layer that provides opacity and obstructs light. Matte White
FDC 7604 Series is a scrimless non-curling 13 oz. PVC banner designed for printing pop-up or roll-up displays. It is a super smooth one side printable non-top coated media with a grey polyester back that provides opacity and obstructs light. Luster White

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