"Having the color saved the day"
Ron Bernstein on 4/16/2021 8:04:04 AM
Comments: I could not get any brown vinyl from my three normal sign suppliers. What I assumed was an ordinary color in stock turned out to be wrong. I only needed 10 yards but since my suppliers would have to order it or get it from one of there branched they require the 50 yard roll be purchased. I'm not going to order 50 yards when I only need 10 yards so I went to my secret weapon and ace in the hole H&H. They got it to me quickly and wrapped and protected it well. This vinyl was for a prototype for a complex with over 150 tenants so facing a deadline they came through for me. The sign was completed and installed at their main office and now we have the approval to be the only approved vendor to fabricate all future signs. Things went as planned, hanks to H&H Sign Supplies.
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